NO ACCIDENTSA friend of a friend found out she was pregnant. The friend of the friend (FOTF) made the brutally hard choice to terminate the pregnancy, for very personal reasons.
I feel a final exam coming.
Nearly 45 years of life and my view of abortion has swung from one end of the pendulum to the other and back, finding balance somewhere in the middle.
The middle, though? Can there be such a thing with that hot button topic? Can you be kinda for it and kinda against it? Is that where the issue of "choice" comes in? I don't know. I know that the more Buddhist I become the more I am able to let go of the choices other people make. I have opinions, but I don't want to be in charge of the world anymore, it's so damn tiring. I can only make choices for myself.
And my underage daughter? Do I make her choices for her?
Woohoo has been bugging me for weeks to take her to "Juno." She didn't want her dad to take her, she wanted me. Mother-daughter thing.
So yesterday we went. GREAT movie. We laughed. We cried.
And then we talked.
Like I was at her age (13) she is being shaped by her culture, and her school culture is Catholic. We chose that for her. That's where our choice took place.
"Mom, I wouldn't have an abortion AND I wouldn't give my baby up for adoption. I would keep it. I would want to make sure it was OK. Plus, I would have help. I'd have you."
"Hey! Don't get any wild ideas!" I say, trying to add levity.
"MOM!" she moans, "Of COURSE NOT! But, I'm just saying..."
The thought of being a grandmother in the next few years sends me into a panic.
Then into a peace.
I've always wanted three kids. What would I do if there were a baby in my life now? Not my baby, my daughter's baby. What would that even be like? Would it be the end of the world? Really?
The real-ness of this issue hit home for me. I am out of the baby making business now. Officially. She is just entering that stage of life where each month there is a possibility of life being formed. I've passed on the fertility baton. Is she ready to take it?
My walking buddy and dearest friend, Kathleen and I were revisiting this issue on our latest walk. She has three teenage daughters. This subject is close to her heart.
"You know," I said, "it's my belief in reincarnation that is helping me with this issue."
"How so?" she asked, wiping a tear from her eye. Could be the cold weather we're marching in, could be the sadness she feels about this lost life, could be both.
"I don't believe in accidents. Look how many lives have been affected by those 14 weeks of life in utero? That family, all the friends and now friends of the friends, we've all felt a shift. Who is to say that's not the reason that soul incarnated? Perhaps that is just what that soul signed up for. 14 weeks. No more, no less, and now that soul will reincarnate into another family member, perhaps."
We walk, talk, pontificate and try to settle into something that will ease the pain, the loss, the holier-than-thou thing we've got going.
I get home from the walk and put on
Kris Delmhorst. She is it on a stick. The song comes on, "Lullaby 101." (Another great recommendation from
LULLABY 101Kris Delmhorst
sleep you little soldier boy, with your ear against the wall
you have held that rifle all of your life, now it's time to let it fall
sleep you little alibi, with your reasons in a row
you have turned in circles all of your life just so your shadow wouldn't showdream with me, dream with me, we'll wake in better days,
and we'll build a boat and we'll hope that it floats
and then we'll sail, we'll sail away
sleep you little resume, with your head above the crowd
you have held your breath in all of your life just to make somebody proud sleep you little reservoir, let your banks just overflow
no you can't contain all of that rain, you're gonna have to let it go
dream with me, dream with me, we'll wake in better light,
and until we rise with open eyes, goodnight, my love, goodnight
yes until some sun wakes everyone, goodnight, my love, goodnight
Let it fall.
Hope that it floats.
Sail away.
Let it go.
And until we rise with open eyes, goodnight, my love, goodnight.