Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Dear Universe,

I don't really appreciate the fact that when I post a blog on compassion and tell You that I am starting to get the hang of it, you send me not one, not two, not three, but several people all in succession, to challenge that proclamation! Is this some kind of game, messing with me like this? Are you saying, "Oh, yea, Miss Compassionate, how are you gonna handle THIS one?" Well, I don't care for your little games!

And what's up with Mercury? Why must it go into retrograde every time I flippin' turn around? I'm sure there's some sort of Divine plan and that these periods of retrograde, that mess with communication and electronics, are all meant to teach us lessons on when to back off and when to pursue, when to revise and when to create, when to speak and when to just be still.

I'm sure.

And your bricks to the head would be funny if not so painful.

Fully Tired of Learning and Off to Put Ice on My Head

* Photo from


jess said...

Funny - it's been raining bricks here too.

Anonymous said...

I love this - so true somtimes I think I don't need / want to grow or learn I'm fine where I am - no painful / hard lessons please!!!

Deb Shucka said...

I hear Mary's laughter joining my own. Love.

kario said...

I will never understand whether the Universe has a wicked, ironic sense of humor or is just gently giving us what we need.

In either case, I agree that sometimes it sucks. Hope the ice worked!

cheryl said...

Was listening to a Marianne Williamson CD yesterday and she said something like this... "When you give something over to God, first he says, 'thank you,' and then he says, 'hold on.'

pixiemama said...

OMG - I love what Cheryl said! HOLD ON!


Carrie Wilson Link said...

I love what Cheryl said, too!

Anonymous said...

Oh no!

(Also like the Marianne Williamson lyrics.)

Tanya @ TeenAutism said...

Yeah, Mercury is killing me too. Here's a hug . . .

Ask Me Anything said...

Add mine to Deb and Mary's!!

Lori said...

The cosmic tests continue. :) Mercury goes retrograde every damn time I have to start something new. It figures!

Anonymous said...

Funny how that works.