Wednesday, June 28, 2006

As I wait in line at Safeway with an over-flowing grocery cart, a man with one item starts to speak.
"This line isn't moving very fast. I'm just going to put my case of beer down here, by you, and run out to my car. I forgot my wallet. I'm still behind you in line, though, OK?"
"OK, I'll scoot your beer up with me if this line ever begins to move," I reply.
I look around and see two express lanes open. I am very clearly going to be taking a huge long turn when I get up there. Why does he want to be behind me so badly?
He comes back in, red faced from hurrying, from too much prior alcohol consumption in his roughly 55 year-old-life, and the 92 degree day outside.
"I'm back, I made it. Thanks for holding my spot."
"Yea, no problem. Really, since you just have the one item, and I have 3,000, why don't you go before me?"
"Really, it's not a problem, I'm just catching up on Angelina, Nicole and Britany Spears, anyway, I'm in no hurry."
He goes ahead, buys the beer, then turns with the most grateful smile in the world, and says, "Hey, thanks a lot, really."
I can't believe his largesse over the small favor. It is not until I get home and peel off my sweaty shirt that I see it, "love." The shirt has struck again.
To order your own "love." t-shirt, go to:
P.S. I think I've told approximately 200 people I'd get them a "love." shirt. Yea, about that, that's just not going to happen, sorry! My VISA card is full and my husband refuses to take out a second mortgage, the bastard.


Anonymous said...

Got Love is on the way. Thanks!

Michelle O'Neil said...

I LOVE my Love. shirt! Thanks Carrie!

Anonymous said...

Well since that Husband of yours is not willing to take out a second on the house.I will just order one on my own.Sorry i missed you at the Store.M