Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I'm sitting in a coffee house getting my internet fix, and having a chuckle over the difference between men and women. This particular place, Sisters Coffee Company, which gets a free plug in exchange for free Wi-Fi, is a gathering place for the whole town. There are locals, easily discerned from the tourists, people holding obvious business meetings, and people holding obvious bullshit exchanges.
The men that come here to meet come in, get their simple coffees, sit down, and discuss business after 2.5 seconds of "check-ins". The women come in, stand at the counter, slightly behind, indicating the "we're still deciding" phase of the process, order long, complicated, oxymoronic drinks like non-fat mochas with whip, then sit down. The check-in process lasts approximately 2.5 hours. When everyone eventually realizes they've yet to get on to the subject at hand, they quickly focus, have their meeting, then disburse with words like, "So, we'll get together next week to follow-up, right?"
Both sets feel their meetings were very successful and fully realized. Both are right.


Michelle O'Neil said...

I go to a couple of different women's meetings and this is so true! So necessary, also!

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.