Thursday, May 14, 2009


Try to get past the 80's, pulled-through-a-cap-frosted hair.

Try to get past the heavy eye make-up,

Try to get past the obvious irony I was going for by holding up a plate of cinnamon rolls and juxtaposing them against the NIKE signage.

And then you'll "see" the girl that first fell in love with STM.

Woohoo asked the other night at dinner, "How did you two meet?"

Well, there is some disagreement about HOW we met, but we do agree on where/when we got to know each other, and that's when we were both sweet young things working for NIKE.

The day after our dinner table conversation STM brought home this picture, IN A FRAME, that he's had on or around his desk, ALL THESE YEARS.

How sweet is that?


hooray said...

omhog, you are so DAMN cute! Love it.

Robin said...

It is VERY sweet.

Lori said...

VERY sweet. :))

pixiemama said...

Absolutely ADORABLE.
OMHOG, indeed!
I think I recognized that HUGE grin, though...

Amber said...

Oh, very, VERY sweet! Aww.


Deb Shucka said...

Is that pearls around your neck?

Your smile hasn't changed a lick, nor has your beautiful energy. Stan has great taste -even in 80's colors and hair.

Leightongirl said...

I love that you post these photos of yourself. You're beautiful.

Anonymous said...

You are adorable! What a tale you two have :)!

Angie Ledbetter said...

Ever his fashionable sweet buns!

Wanda said...

Sweeter than the cinnamon rolls~

Lola said...

VERY sweet-my teeth hurt:)

Drama Mama said...

Oh wow.

My little heart went pang.

Unbearably lovely that he has your pictures around his desk.

Suzy said...

LOVE the computer....

I think Fred Flintstone had one.

Love you


Suzy said...


Nice buns.....

Jess said...

So sweet. Love that.

Tanya @ TeenAutism said...

Love it! Love that he had it framed on his desk.

Michelle O'Neil said...

Sweeter than those buns. SOOO cute you were/are.

kario said...

Sweeter than those cinnamon rolls! Who took that picture?

One who also pulled rat-tails of hair through a perforated cap to frost it

Teri said...

I think that was even updated from the Kappa Kastle days! I remember you looking like that!