So I've had this whole apathy thing going on, and Wednesday I was driving in my neighborhood and saw the message above: Hey, forgive yourself already. Just there. Just there in all it's colorful glory - a sign, literally and figuratively.
Someone in my neighborhood keeps leaving cool inspirational messages like this in that same place. I always drive by, read them, love them, then promptly forget about them.
For the most part I don't walk around with a ton of unforgiveness, but I've got my share.
Wednesday night I was putting Rojo to bed and was grumpy and hurrying the process along. "You're not mad at me," he said, "you're mad at yourself."
Same message, twice in 24 hours - no accidents.
Time to forgive.
Time not to forget.
Time to promise.
Glad a click on the picture led to an enlargement.....yup, we could all do with a dose of that......still almost the weekend! Time to recharge the batteries.
Best wishes
Rojo. Love that kid.
He is right.
Awesome picture. God bless whomever is doing those signs in your neighborhood, and thank you for taking the time to snap the photo and share it with us!
Love your neighborhood.
Love you.
he is unbelievable.
and like michelle, i adore that your neighbor does that~!
What's it like to live with Buddha?
I've been reading your blog for a few months now and have to let you know how much I love it and look forward to reading it daily. You are an inspiration. Thank you for the messages and intentions you put forth into the world.
Rojo rocks, as always.
The sign rocks, too. Totally.
The Universe sends both. Total gifts.
Love your neighborhood, too. Keep up the good blogs. I will be back again. Thanks for doing this.
*hang my head, unwilling to accept the message.*
I didn't even realize it was YOUR photo until the post came through my reader.
WHAT a wise soul he is.
I think I'd love to live in your neighborhood.
Holy sh&t! That kid SEES right through everything, does he not?! Wow!
I needed this TODAY, too. You know, I'm pretty mad at myself as well. Let go. Let go. Let go.
Love you.
Great neighbors ROCK!
Great bloggers who share what they see ROCK too! Thank you!
Love the messages and the messengers. Wonder what's floated to the surface for you. Love you.
Yes! So simple yet so difficult!
I spend a fortune on my therapist for what Madame Carrie and Rojo give me in a one-minute read.
Thank you, thank you.
OMG, someone in my neighborhood has these inspirational signs--like a painter sign only way way better. She is always changing them and I am always getting just the right message at just the right time. I want to walk up to her door to thank her, but haven't yet
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