Thursday, May 07, 2009

My book club is reading LOVE IN THE TIME OF CHOLERA. It's been on my list of books to read for 21 years. Worth the wait.

I was grabbed when early in the book, and mid-way through their 50 year plus marriage, the husband comes out of the bathroom and informs his wife there hasn't been soap in the tub for a week.

She knows perfectly well it's only been three days.

They fight for months over that, neither one backing down.

Many years later when the man is too elderly to bathe himself, there's a beautiful scene of the wife tenderly and lovingly spending an hour bathing him and helping him to dress.

When he dies his look is full of love, and his last words to his wife are: "Only God knows how much I loved you."

Abiding love.


Suzy said...

Gorgeous post..

Love you.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like me and my husband. I've done that with the soap, wondering how long it would take him to notice.

Angie Ledbetter said...

Makes me want to read that. Adding it to my TBR list.

Expat From Hell said...

Worth the wait, indeed. This book has been parked deep in my sub-conscious wanna-do category for many years. Thanks for bringing it up again, and for posting!
Terrific stuff.


Michelle O'Neil said...


Maddy said...

I need to get back to the local library's book club - thanks for the nudge.

Tanya @ Teenautism said...

It's been on my list for ages as well. What am I waiting for? It sounds as beautiful as I thought it would be.

Deb Shucka said...

Wow! Guess I'll have to try this book again. You've got a great theme working here. :)

Ask Me Anything said...

One of the best books ever.

Wanda said...

Saw the movie. Loved that, too.

Lola said...

Wow-Guess I'm off to the bookstore