Friday, May 15, 2009


Had an epiphany while frustrating myself in the kitchen last night (doesn't take much). STM being gluten-intolerant has required me to step it up in that department, and it's been a big step. I'm baking gluten-free brownies, I'm making gluten-free pasta, and last night I tried making gluten-free pizza dough - well, actually the whole pizza, not just the dough.

Had one cabinet open to get the pizza tray, opened a drawer to get a knife, knocked into the corner cabinet and just had to laugh: how like me. How like me to want it all NOW. I can have it all, the knife, the bowl, the pizza tray, just not ALL AT THE SAME FLIPPIN' TIME. But really, moments within each other if I just relax, closing one door allowing another to open.

Allowing one door to close.

Before opening another.


Anonymous said...

you just slowed me down. thank you.

pixiemama said...

Yes - a slow down might be universally in order. Would you mind lighting a Mary for me?

Wanda said...

I love how you laugh at yourself in these moments. On the other hand...who TF designs these kitchens?

Drama Mama said...


Suzy said...

At least they've stopped being revolving doors....

Love you.


Tanya @ TeenAutism said...

Isn't there a saying like that? When God closes a door He always opens a window? Probably a different metaphor, but that's what this post reminded me of - the closing of doors. And of course, opening others.

Jenny said...

It's hard not to be that way in the kitchen - I'm like you, just want to get the cooking over with!There's a place down the street from us that makes the best chickpea, gluten free pizza crust. Come visit :-)

Amber said...

Hmmm, is this why I have ten books I'm reading all at once? lol
I should read one at a time...


kario said...

What do you mean you can't have it all at the same time? Why not? Tell me! NOW!

hooray said...

I'm with Amber -- maybe I would get more done if I read one book at a time instead of 20 million! ;-)

Deb Shucka said...

Perfect! Love the picture and the message.

Anonymous said...

How are the kids gluten-wise?