Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Today I woke up, turned on the coffee, and instead of making a bee-line to my lover, uh, I mean, laptop, I opened the front door and grabbed the morning paper. You see, I've been on strike from all news for two weeks. For fourteen straight days, a fortnight, if you will, I have eschewed all forms of news. I don't need to know about Star Jones and Barbara Walters. I don't need to know about the bombings, suicides, drownings, global warming and other disasters. I GET that the world is in total disrepair. I GET that Americans consider Angelina, Brad, Jennifer and Vince "news". Being bombarded by the bad news makes me feel, well, bad!
Is feeling bad (and it's NOT badly, you can only feel "badly" when your sense of touch is all screwed up) the point? Am I to fly into action? Am I to save the world? Am I to become part of the solution, and quit bitching about all the problems? Probably! But, man oh man, I've done the save-the-world thing, and let me tell you, it's exhausting! Mother Theresa once said, "You can do no great things; only small things with great love." I'm sticking with that. I will work to improve my little corner of the world, and I will work tirelessly on those matters close to my heart, but bad news for you, Star and Barbara, you're on your own. The strike is back on!


Wanda said...

Music to this former English teacher's ears: "bad...not badly." You rock.

Anonymous said...

...I agree except how I was forced to hold People yesterday, only to receive the SHOCKING news that Kirstie Alley has lost 72 pounds. That's it. I'm doing the fruit cleanse. If she can drop 72, I can drop 9 (7+2).

After that, no more news, I'm done!!!

jennifer said...

And, you might notice...once you put your bodisattva vow on pause and retire your horsehair vest for good...that the news doesn't really change. It's the same ol', same ol', year in, year out. Trust me on this, six years as a journalist, slouping this crap out, I know first hand. Not helpful.

You, on the other hand, most helpful!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Have you seen Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine? In a nutshell: the American media serves only to scare/depress us.
I'd honk in support if I were driving by your house!(in my American-made gas guzzler, no less)

Michelle O'Neil said...

I have not subscribed to a newspaper since 1996. Never watch the news. After working in that business for a few years you learn it is soooo contrived.

Though like you say, there is much to do on our own little corners.

Learning Lollipops said...

Carrie, I salute your fortitude in being on strike from the news. Even when I consciencely try to block it from sprewing out all the horrific stories; they seep through from other sources; don't you agree?

I'm with you; I do have enough work to do on myself, plus attempting to make a difference and bring light into my own corner.


Anonymous said...

I am with you on this Sister.M

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