Thursday, July 06, 2006

Before I began my blog, I wrote out all the stray thoughts/theories/rants and raves in my head and made all my true-blues read them. NOT enough has been made of true-blues that read what you foist upon them, then praise you lavishly. It was actually the true-blues that encouraged me to start a blog. Hey, now that I think about it, maybe I should be slightly insulted? I'm going to stick with grateful, though, they've had to endure a lot from me.
The one essay that generated the most "guff" was my "Pray for Sun" piece. In it I went OFF on people that pray for the weather to go "their" way. To me, that is not the purpose of prayer. To me that is a wish, and wishes are not what God/The Universe/The Femine Divine/etc. are all about, in my very personal but loud clanging gong opinion. But that's just me. Ohhhh boy, did I ruffle feathers! I heard story after story about prayers for sun that were answered. I was asked, outright, to re-write that piece. Of course I refused, I'm a clanging gong, I wanted to make people think, and I did! Love that! The power! What a high!
I do not know who/what controls the weather and decides which prayers need what responses. I just know that if my writing stirs the soul, I am a happy girl. I do believe there is a higher power that wants us to listen, however, more than speak. And it's a bit hard to hear Him/Her/It what with all the gong clanging I've got going on. Maybe the thing to do is re-define "pray" to mean, shut the hell up. I don't know, I don't know anything, but I like it when you think I do.


Suzy said...

Of all the things to pray for, I don't know if the weather would be in my top 10, or 20 or 30......
but hey, I'm all for bringing the topic of prayer to the forefront.
What I know, is that you make me think, and that's something.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you want to hook up for a cup of tea??? I'm praying you say 'yes'

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.