Sunday, July 16, 2006

In my house growing up, there was much discussion of the "games alcoholics play", and all the other vernacular used by Al-Anon members. I knew all about co-dependency, letting go and letting God, the Serenity Prayer and one day at a time. I heard about the role "drinking buddies" often played in the life of an alcoholic, and the disequilibrium felt by the other drunks, when one of the drinking buddies got on the wagon. I had no compassion for such a scenario. What kind of person doesn't want the best for their friend? What kind of hard core addict wants their friends to remain as stuck and crazy as they are, just so they won't have to look too closely in the mirror themselves?
I'll tell you what kind of friend, the kind of friend I am when not my first, not second, but THIRD hard core coffee buddy tells me they are "off coffee". What the hell? Don't I get a vote? Where does this leave me? Why is nobody considering my feelings when making this type of radical life change? Blah, blah, blah high blood pressure. Blah, blah, blah insomnia, blah, blah, blah stomach upset, blah, blah, blah boobs like cantelopes. What about me? What about my needs for drinking buddies? If you all ban together and try to do some lame intervention on me, that will be the last straw. Not the last straw in my addiction, the last straw in our friendships! Don't make me choose between you all, it will not be pretty!
Is coffee ruling my life? Staining my teeth? Keeping my blood pressure dangerously high? Costing me a ton of money? Preoccupying my thoughts? Maybe, who cares? It's working for me! So! Put that in your morning cup and drink it!


Anonymous said...

Okay, calm down, breathe (if you didn't have so much fu^%ing caffine in your system, you'd be able to do this)...I'm just saying...try decaf...half caf...sip instead of's enough already. You are useless if you are in the ethers with that stuff...take it slow, baby, take it slow.

Come on over, we'll talk it through over a nice cuppa...

Anonymous said...

Hey, is it true that decaffeinated coffee has more caffeine than regular coffee? Two people told me that this week. Plus, decaf has gotta have more toxins after going through that process, right?

Anyway, I went off coffee for about six months four years ago - never again! So you always have a drinking buddy with me.

Suzy said...

and you can certainly always have coffee with's a long drive to Connecticut, but think of all the coffee stops on the way!

Anonymous said...

I remember being pregnant the first time and being able to stand neither the smell nor the taste of coffee. Talk about a long nine months!!!

Anonymous said...

You go Girl!!! I am with you on this one ,leave my Coffee alone.You can join me for a Cup anytime.M

Anonymous said...

try tepid tap realy is good.........especially when sharing conversation with friends.

Michelle O'Neil said...

Maybe we really do need to get you an intervention?

Writer said...

You tell that friend this:
"Last year Japanese researchers concluded that coffee has anti-cancer properties. In their study, coffee drinkers were 50 percent less likely to get liver cancer than nondrinkers. Other studies link coffee to reduced colon, rectal, and breast cancer risks."
Harvard Health Letter, Volume 31 Number 4

Now that is something we can all drink to!

Anonymous said...

There are many other drink choices other than coffee we can share together. And you know I am jealous, if I could I would.


ps: I am off to buy a new bra.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.