Thursday, July 09, 2009


10. "Good works are links that form a chain of love. "

9. "The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done."

8. "Love begins by taking care of the closest ones - the ones at home."

7." Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love."

6."Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired."

5. "I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love."

4. "Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls."

3. "It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters."

2. "I do not pray for success, I ask for faithfulness. "

1. "In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love."


Anonymous said...

I love #6 - what we need to do is love without getting tired....

Suzy said...

Ol' MT is a keeper....

And so are you!



Angie Ledbetter said...

Love #1 especially. And here's another one of hers you might like:

I am like a little pencil in his hand. That is all. He does the thinking. He does the writing. The pencil has nothing to do with it.

Anonymous said...

brilliant! Need to study on these to absorb this 'love thing' better.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

these are incredible. #9 is still resonating - downright vibrating in my soul

thank you said...

Great list, but um, Sweetie Pie?

Where's # 2?

Robin said...

These are precious, thanks for posting them.

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Oh, Michelle, you're suck a STICKLER! : ) Never was good at math! Okay, just threw up #2!

Wanda said...

Wow. You 'threw up' #2? Amazing.

Love Mother T. Love you.

contemporary themes said...

Love this list. Love you!

Miss you, too! It's hard to find time to comment, but I wanted to stop by and say, "Hiiiiiii!" all the way from Pohang, Korea!

contemporary themes said...

Oops. I'm signed to my other account, but you know who I am, right?


Deb Shucka said...

Whenever I think of love, I think of you.

Alicia D said...

*sigh* - I ADORE this woman!! These quotes are amazing. Here's another of her quotes that is my personal favorite:
"Love never measures. It just gives."

Kaia said...

I love #1:" ... we can only do small things with great love"