Thursday, May 08, 2008


Did y'all watch/listen to the last webcast with Eckhart and Oprah Monday? Wow. At the very end Eckhart gave Oprah a leather bound copy of his book, with this poem written in it, by the Persian mystic, Hafiz.

"I am the hole in the flute that the Christ's breath moves through.
Listen to the music."

I love that.

It reminds me of The Prayer of St. Francis, another perennial favorite of mine.

Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury,pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen

I would say that's the biggest gift I got from the 10 webcasts, a more unifying philosophy between my various religious beliefs/practices. Eckhart helped me fall back in love with the teachings of Jesus, which, while I never stopped loving, there was some stress and strain in the relationship. He helped me understand them better, or in some cases, for the very first time.

The longer I'm on this journey as my son's mother, the more I re-process the life and lessons of Jesus. I gotta quote one of my favorite people here, Drama Mama, "I mean it - raising Jesus couldn't have been easy. People didn't understand him. They didn't have Inclusion in those days. He wasn't on the spectrum, but he was out there, you know? Misunderstood. And My Girl Lupe stuck by him."

I'm no Mary, that's for damn sure, but I do have a son that is more Christ-like than anyone I've ever met in real life. He has no ego. None. He reminds me of Eckhart Tolle and the Dalai Lama in that way. The significant, or is it, difference is my son has a major communication disorder. He is not a scholar.

Or is he?

Is he the only one I know that communicates purely? Maybe we are all the ones with the disorder, and he "gets it?"

One never need read a book to be wise.

My son is wise.

My son is a hole in the flute that the Christ's breath moves through.

I am going to shut up and listen to the music.


Anonymous said...

Rojo communicates the most important message of all, pure love. He is wise and you are blessed.

Such a beautiful post Carrie. Just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Miss Katie is very wise, intuitive and perceptive in a eerie way, she gets things. They're hard to raise but amazing people. Take care, Deb

Lola said...

I LOVE this post.
Makes me remember to stop and listen to 'the music.'

Anonymous said...

Don't shut up, Carrie. Listen carefully to Rojo's music, but don't stop making music of your own.

This post is music. Thanks for making it.

Kim said...

"My son is a hole in the flute that the Christ's breath moves through."

This just brought tears to my eyes. So beautiful. He is as lucky to have you as you are to have him.

riversgrace said...

Love this, C. Some day let's have a Rumi/Hafiz night. Only poems and wine.

The divine is so present in this piece.

Amber said...

Hmmm...I have just started the book. And I am listening to it on cd as well. I kind of do that with some books,listen and read along... But I like what you say here about how it made you feel about Jesus again. I had a little jolt of that as well. Funny. Because SO many Christians are freaking OUT about the book leading people away.

Also, I am writing a letter to my brother today, and I was wondering what to say and put in it. Thank you for reminding me about that prayer of St.F.

You are beautiful. Just so you know.


hg said...

This is so beautiful!

And, I wanna come to wine and poetry night!

contemporary themes said...

Yes. Yes. Yes.

I loved this. Made me cry.

Yes to Jesus.

Yes to Rojo being the hole in the flute and Christ breathing through!

Yes to Rojo gets it, and 'Maybe we are all the ones with the disorder, and he 'gets it?'"

Beautiful post.

My Own Woman said...

Carrie, I so needed this post today.

Jenny said...

Drama Mama's quote is so funny. Yes, couldn't have been easy for Mary and Joe. But

Kapuananiokalaniakea said...

AHH...but you ARE.

Each of us is that hole in the flute and if we could all just slow down enough to really listen to each other, we could make such beautiful music together.

Thank you for the reminder.

Nancy said...

Your son is wise and he gets it! Pure love. And... so do you. Your gift of communication is what brings Rojo's wisdom to us. A perfect combination.

Anonymous said...

Rojo gets it. Pure.