Wednesday, June 24, 2009


"When we talk about gaining the perfect wisdom of a Buddha, we should not think that we need to create qualities in ourselves that are not there already, and acquire them from somewhere outside of us. Rather, we should see perfect Buddha wisdom as a potential that is being realized." The Dalai Lama

* Photo from


jess said...

and i leave humming steely dan ..

bodhisattva, won't you take me by the hand ..

Tanya @ TeenAutism said...

I like that. A lot.

Wanda said...

Some days that is easier to believe than others.

Michelle O'Neil said...

The lifelong task of stripping away what we don't want.

You are a stripper.

Deb Shucka said...

Way too easy! So why are we working so hard?

hooray said...

I'm thinking. That's a good one.