Wednesday, October 29, 2008


The wonder that is Jenn, who taught Rojo how to ride a bike this summer, has now taught him how to write a paragraph. She showed him a picture of a dog, and instructed him not to push "enter," as they are working on having all the words form a whole, not a list, not to use numbers, for the same reason, and to not tell the dog what to do, but tell the reader what the dog IS doing.

Here's what my boy wrote:

the dogs name is Sylvester. The dog is watching T.V.. The dog is panting a pumpkin for hollwen. The dog is making clay by him self . Sylvester also likes food like bananas and corn and apples and grapes . he’s looking at is nose because he fell’s like it . he’s walking by him self. Then what he will do is go out side and water the plants and play basketball. He looks funny I don’t know why . he likes to swing on the swings and swim to. Then he is going to go back inside and watch some more T.V..

Right now I "fell's like" I could cry. With gratitude.


Maddy said...

Bananas, corn and apples? Projection or a big fat lie? As if we really care! That's why we have doggy bags. Well done indeed.

Suzy said...

I bet the dog LOVES Rojo....


Love you.


Joanne said...

You must be so proud. And thankful for having Jenn in your life too. I'm raising my coffee cup to you!

Michelle O'Neil said...

So awesome!


Angie Ledbetter said...

Carrie, that was so wonderful. Framing it with the picture?

Jerri said...

Oh, happy, happy. I fells like I could cry, too.

kario said...

Go Jenn.

Go Rojo.

Go Carrie.

What a threesome! Magic abounds.

Drama Mama said...

Love him. Love you. That Jenn is an angel.

Lori said...

Move over, Hemingway! :)) Very nice story, and very nice insights from an amazing kid. :))

hg said...

i bet you must fell pretty proud,too!

Me said...

I feel like I could cry too!

Deb Shucka said...

Glory be!!! When will he be getting his own blog?

contemporary themes said...

I'm with Deb. I'd like to read Rojo's blog (even though I've been absent from blogland for a long time). I'd come out of hiding to read anything Rojo writes!

Lola said...


Anonymous said...

Totally Fantastic!