Wednesday, October 29, 2008


A big thank you to Amber at The Believing Soul for urging me to read Sacred Contracts. I've probably had this book longer than I've had the Buddhist offering bowls, and again, not known why. In fact, I think I paid full price for the book right when it came out (2001). Then it moved into a pile, eventually it found its way onto a bookshelf covered in glass, and has rested, undisturbed, ever since.

Until now.

Let me give you some nuggets from just the first few pages:

" "Our strengths and fears divide our spirt into polarities - into a duality, in Eastern terms - which is why faith and doubt wage external battles in our psyches."

* "When your life plans are suddenly interrupted, you can choose to view that event as a 'Contract intervention' rather than as a crisis."

* "You can also think of your Sacred Contract as your own unique contribution to life around you that arises from your particular set of circumstances, relationships, and family. Whatever interpretation you choose, the extent to which you can decode your Contract will depend on your willingness to accept that everything we do is for a purpose far greater than we will ever know, that every deed you do affects your life and others' for good or ill. As Thich Nhat Hanh teachers, we 'inter-are.'"

C'mon with "Contract intervention!"

And although it's not telling me anything I don't already know, it's helping me "get it," just the same.

Can't talk now, gotta go find a spoon and eat up every single word in the book.


Joanne said...

Love it when a book speaks so strongly to my life. And yes, so agree that all we do serves a greater purpose. Enjoy!

Angie Ledbetter said...

Glad you found comfort and inspiration in the words.

kario said...

Wouldja quit adding books to my list, already?


Deb Shucka said...

Don't you just love it when the perfect book leaps into your consciousness as the perfect time - especially when it's a book you've had for quite a while.

Kathi said...

Carrie, I did this Carolyn Myss thing during my pregnancy with Liberty. It was one of the best things I ever did, the exercises in the book I mean.

Amber said...

Oh good. :) I read, and re-read this every now and then. I work a lot with the cards, and did a wheel that I think about and process allll the time. ;)

I find her to be an amazing teacher. If you really want to "go there", though, you should pick up her latest-- "Enterng the Castle"...It is about the writing and teaching of Saint Teresa of Avila, a Catholic Mystic Nun. It is deeeep. I have to take it in bits. I really love listening to it on CD, because I love how non-touchy-feely Myss is. I love how she teaches that life/faith/seeking is serious business to be honored and approached with reverence...

Maybe I could copy it for you, and send it. I will ask Kory to do that for me. ;)
