Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Nearly fifteen years ago a handsome man and his darling look-alike son, knocked on my door.

"Hi! I'm Greg. This is Leo. We live across the street. FedEx left a note that you'd accepted a package for me?"

And the rest is history. Greg is married to Toeless. Greg and his kids made this delightful "short," a five minute movie.

Do yourself a favor, click here, smile from ear-to-ear for a few minutes, then rate it.

You'll be glad you did!


Suzy said...

She's an original, that Toeless......

Love you,


Angie Ledbetter said...

Very sweet!

kario said...


Ask Me Anything said...

you are the bomb!

Anonymous said...

How Sweet!!

Michelle O'Neil said...

Awesome! Go Leo! Go Greg!