Monday, September 01, 2008


Anyone that knows me even slightly, knows my favorite holiday is Labor Day. And yes, that IS because the kids go back to school the next day.

Do I love my kids?

Not as much as I love Labor Day.

Can't talk now - gotta go back to dancing on the roof.

* Photo from


Joanne said...

Very funny ... I think many moms can relate, and will see themselves, even briefly, maybe with a little guilt, in the dancing on the roof pic!

kario said...

Ditto. Can't. Wait. Until. School. Starts.

Of course, then I'll have to actually finish the first draft of my book, cuz I've been blaming the lack of time on my children this summer.

Ms. TK said...

Honey, we've been back at the mines for weeks...WEEKS.

I'm a teacher...we don't smile until Thanksgiving, and we positively frolic nude for Xmas break...

Kathi said...

I join you on mine! :)

Maddy said...

And when they say 'take a running jump!' you just say, 'how high!'

Anonymous said...

Great abs. But I thought you wouldn't start until after drop off and what's with the dress!!

Kapuananiokalaniakea said...

Mine dribble back to school. One tomorrow, one the next day, one on Thursday and the last not until later this month!
What's up with that?!
Really, what's the point of a two day school week?

Nancy said...

I saw mothers horn-honking, waving, cheering...everything but dancing on the roof on the first day of school. Love my kids. Love my space. Not guilt here... I LOVE when they go back to school!

contemporary themes said...

In the trenches today! Glad we teachers can be of service to you moms! ; )

It's all good!

Love you.

Go Mama said...

Sing, girl, sing! You're singin,' er, dancin' my tune!