Friday, March 30, 2007



kario said...

Thank you for that, Carrie! I'm with you on nine of ten - I can't dis the tea.

Michelle O'Neil said...

What the hell is the thing with the red hair? Yikes?

Deb Shucka said...

I was laughing until I came to the pierced face with the red hair. What kind of pain would make a person hide so hard?

I love your unconventional posts, Carrie. They make me think.

holly said...

that thing with the red hair ...

one of the guys I work with looks over my shoulder while i'm laughing at this post, cracks up and says (about body art enthusiast):
"My girlfriend lived with her for a month in Scotland. She's fucking crazy. AND she's like 60-years-old"

Me: Really?

Him: you think there could me TWO people who look like that.

Jenny said...


I drink coffee every day. Every single day. Never miss it. But one day I'm taking you to afternoon tea at the hotel bel air in california. I'm pretty sure it won't be on your top 10 list of things you don't get :-)

Kim said...

I am SO with you on most of these, but although I am a TOTAL coffee person (every day, always, and best brewed at home), I still sometimes love tea. Just like I am a total cat person, but I still love dogs. However, I seriously respect your stand against it.

Re. the red haired wonder: Holly, just where do you work??

jennifer said...

A photo is worth a thousand did it again and again! Funny and scary all at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Awesome post, Carrie. I am so with you on all this (but not the tea, tea is ok in my book). Love!

Ask Me Anything said...

perfect post!

Jess said...


I am going to make you some really good strong black tea one of these days soon....


Blair said...

I love the photos - I totally get your humor -right on. I agree with every thing...I'm trying so hard to like that tea, too!

Dawn said...

HAHA! no kiddin' ~ I needed a good laugh!!!

Suzy said...

What's wrong with carrying your dog in your pocketbook? That's where I carry mine.