Thursday, March 22, 2007


Terry the Toeless came from Philly to Portland recently, and "met" two old friends, Jess and Holly. For months the three had been reading each others' blogs, offering support and encouragement, and getting to know each other well. Finally they met face-to-face.

Terry and I compared it to Internet dating, where a flurry of e-mails and perhaps photos are exchanged before the two daters ever meet. By the time they do, common ground has been established. Same thing here.

It's a bit surreal to first sit down with someone you've never met, yet know so well. The usual formalities go out the window. You start right with the hard core questions. After one awkward hug you're right into the business of love lives, finances, hopes, dreams, careers, the meat of every matter. Chit chat be damned!

It's a strange phenomenon, but a good one. It's all that's right with the cyber world!


Jerri said...

You all look so beautiful. And happy. You all look deeply happy.

kario said...

Awww - I love it! Love your shining faces and I love that you all got together. Thank goodness for the blogosphere, huh?

Suzy said...

Great photo! You're right- it is a bit surreal to know someone that well and not have "met" them. But for this kind of circle, it works like crazy.

Michelle O'Neil said...

And this is why I LOVE the internet.

Great picture. You chicks are hot!

Kim said...

Ditto everyone else--you all look fabulous and happy!

I see a sippy cup in front of Holly--who else was there?!

Jenny said...

Carrie I am working on an article RIGHT NOW TODAY on this very issue -- women connecting with other women via the net. Do you mind if I quote you??

The "It's a bit sureal..." part

holly said...

Surreal and yet completely natural. Loved this lunch.

And I love how my kids take ownership of everyone they meet. So now along with Amelia requesting to talk on the phone to Prema, Josie wanting "Tracy. I want to listen to my friend Tracy," when we're picking music. They're both still talking abour Carrie and Terry.

Jess said...

I loved this lunch, too. Seeing this here makes me so happy. I am blessed to know all of you, feel especially blessed today.

Terry rocks and I hope I get to see more of her in the future.

Anyone who wants to see how cute Amelia was with Terry, email me...

Ask Me Anything said...

The strange and wonderful cyberworld. It was so easy spending time with Jess, Holly, Amelia and Josie. We fit like an old pair of shoes.

Blair said...

so cool. You guys look like your having fun! I love the internet for that reason.

Anonymous said...

It it good see people making real friends through cyber space.

jennifer said...

Why are you people sitting there without computers??? Don't you need to be writing???

Monica said...

I LOVE this. It is an amazing thing to become so close to people through their blogs and their comments and support - people you've never met. And then to actually sit down with them. It is really something, I imagine.

The picture is yummy. Scoot over!