Well, in the meantime, please know that you're missed and that we are all here to say nice things about you. Sending love and light and peace your way.
My favorite quote of late: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." Plato said it, but I got it from my brother's school librarian, who posted it on her Facebook page.
For some reason, this made me smile. And think. I've heard that saying before and don't follow it very well, especially when it comes to certain -- ahem -- industries...
Oooooooh... It's like that.
Hmmm. (just tell me who i need to kick. i'll doooo it.)
Well, in the meantime, please know that you're missed and that we are all here to say nice things about you. Sending love and light and peace your way.
Love amplified.
My favorite quote of late: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." Plato said it, but I got it from my brother's school librarian, who posted it on her Facebook page.
Love. :-)
You, too? That's why I post pictures and quotations without my words, sometimes.
For some reason, this made me smile. And think. I've heard that saying before and don't follow it very well, especially when it comes to certain -- ahem -- industries...
I'm going to try.
oh honey, i know. same reason i haven't been on the phone with my dearest friends in weeks.
baby steps...
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