Sunday, December 13, 2009


"Knock-knock," I say.

"Who's there?" he answers.


"Danielle who?"

"Danielle at me, I heard you the first time!"

Rojo laughs, "Don't YELL at me, I heard you the first time!"

We've been working on knock-knock jokes for many years. Could it be that they're starting to click? I try again.


"Who's there?"

"Frank's eye."

"Frank's eye who?"

"Frank's eye needed that."

"THANKS, I needed that!" Rojo squeals.

And that, my friends, is what you call delayed development, not absence of development.


jess said...

knock knock

who's there?


joe who?

joe know how much i love you??

Me said...

I love his forever innocence.

Wanda said...

Who knew I would rejoice over someone getting knock-knock jokes?

Anonymous said...

Sense of humor!!

That's great! I hope we'll get there one day too.

See if he likes this one; it's not a knock knock, but it's our boys' favorite:

What's a pirate's favorite letter?


Tanya @ TeenAutism said...

There's so much I love about this. xoxo

Jerri said...

In this, like everything else, Rojo plots his own course. He's a wise one, that Rojo.

Lori said...

He'll love this one:

What do you call a deer with no eyes?

No eye deer. ;)

Anonymous said...

I love this!! said...

I love Rojo and everything about him.

Deb Shucka said...

Love this story!!! I can just see his beaming face as he gets these jokes for the first time.

Ms. TK said...


That's my motto - delays don't mean absence. Just a different road.


kario said...

This one's from Lola:
Knock knock.

Who's there?

Interrupting cow.

Interrupting c...


Brenda Rothman (Mama Be Good) said...

LOVE that he translates it, too! Just in case we missed it.