Sunday, July 06, 2008

(Photo of total strangers, but I feel as though I know them, don't you?)

Rewriting is a lot like finding a picture of yourself from the 80's. You know the one.

You thought you had it all going on, looking mighty fine, then years later look at the picture with horror! You wrote stuff you were sure was flippin' brilliant, hung it out there for all to see, then later, took a second look and couldn't believe your audacity.


It's a little like that.


Suzy said...

Re-Writing SUCKS. Period.

Leightongirl said...

That's AMAZING. Wow.

Jenny said...

So funny. I have had those writing moments!

Ms. TK said...

I love the analogy. you *know* those people in the picture? And if so, how are they now?

Anonymous said...

"Not enough can be said about the ability to forget."

My Own Woman said...

Carrie,the picture is a hoot! You're right, everybody has one of those. Thanks for the laugh.

Mid-lifer said...

Absolutely agree! On my THIRD rewrite of my thesis, I had to read my first awful attempt and I'm so embarrassed: what the hell was I thinking??

And OMG those hairstyles!!!!

Michelle O'Neil said...

I've sometimes cringed when going over stuff I wrote, CRINGED at the thought I ever let anyone lay their eyes on it.

Oh well. What are 'ya gonna do?

Zora Neale Hurston (my favorite) once said something to the effect, "I regret every book I've ever written."

Jerri said...

In Bird by Bird, Anne Lamott says that near publication of every book, there is a time when you know for absolute certain that the publication of this trash will permanently destroy your career.

22 books and counting for me, and it's been true every damn time. Every. Damn. Time.

Ignore those fears. Keep right on writing.

Kathi said...

That picture is hysterical! I cringe each time I read my Masters thesis - how about that one?

Jerri said...

Oh, keep posting pics like these. Hilarious.

contemporary themes said...

You're hysterical. Just keep writing.

Go Mama said...

I like the audacity part. Good, bad or ugly, sometimes I think that's what it takes the most of.