Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Extra busy morning at our house today, all four of us going in different directions, and Rojo sensed our prayer time might get cut from the line up. He pulls the chairs up to the table, gets out all the stuff, books, prayers, word-of-the-day, etc... and rings the gong, summoning us all to prayer.

"We're going to have a really quick one today," he tells us.

He grabs the word-of-the-day bag and pulls a word, "Synthesis!" he exclaims, "I had a dream about that last night! Can I choose another word? Please? Can I choose just one more word?"

"OK," Stan says, one eye on the clock, mindful we will all be late if this prayer time doesn't get wrapped up in the next 10 seconds.

"BEAUTY!" Rojo shrieks with delight, while breaking into song and dance.

"I had a dream about that last night, too! Shake your beauty - shake your beauty!"

We all shook our beauties, and none of us were even late.


contemporary themes said...


kario said...

This boy is a ray of light! Somehow he must have known that this crazy morning needed an injection of humor.

Give him a hug for me, please!

Suzy said...

Then there's lots of beauty shakin' over there.



Jerri said...

That boy shakes his beauty all the time. All. The. Time.

You've got to love a boy who won't let you skip the word of the day. Or prayers.

Anonymous said...

He is a blessing!

Jenny said...

Made me smile. Thanks Carrie.

riversgrace said...

You all have the healthiest, most creative death/rebirth thing going impressed. Maybe it's because you have been trained so well that in a way you naturally shift and find new ways of being because you've had to already.

I love watching the process and how you remain devout in the midst of difficult change. Love that.

Michelle O'Neil said...

Love the idea of morning prayer time. And the gong. And Rojo of course. Love Rojo the best!

Anonymous said...

So very cool. Think we are going to be doing some shaking our beauty time, in the am, at this house. Love the gong. You and your family are pretty amazing.

Nancy said...

Rojo and his mojo! Keeping you grounded, grateful and prayerful! I love this morning scene. I wonder if it would work at my house....