Tuesday, November 20, 2007


He was the one that never took a vacation.
He was the one that worked six days a week for 24 years.
He was the one that saw my baby before most friends.
He was the one that my daughter was first allowed to go visit all alone.
He was the one that sold me bread, milk, ice cream and solace.
He was the one that knew my name.
He was the one that said, "NO RUNNING!" and nobody was afraid of.
He was the one that said, "If we don't have it, you probably don't need it."
He was the one that was right about that.
He was the one that taught me to say "ground beef" instead of "hamburger."
He was the one that ordered extra sourdough bread when he knew Rojo was on a binger.
He was the one that asked what kind of Ben & Jerry's I'd like him to carry.

He was the one that went in for surgery on November 2nd.
He was the one that had complications.
He was the one that stayed in ICU for 16 days.
He was the one we prayed for.
He was the one that died on Sunday.

He is the one we will miss.
He is the one we will never see again.
He is the one we will never forget.
He is the one for whom we leave flowers and cards and candles burning by The Little Store.
He is the one the delivery truck drivers came by for today and left flowers and cards and candles burning.

He was the one with The Little Store and the Big Heart.

*Photos from The Sellwood Bee


contemporary themes said...

Okay, you made me cry! Beautifully done! I know your community will really miss him.

Be gentle with yourself.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Carrie. Beautiful.

I know that many tears were shed as you wrote this one ...


Anonymous said...

(and many tears will be shed reading it!)


Kathi said...

I am so sorry for your loss, Carrie. You wrote a beautiful tribute. How wonderful to be so loved.

Michelle O'Neil said...

Carrie. I am so sorry. What a beautiful triubute to a beautiful man.

So glad you knew him.

Suzy said...

Rest in peace Gary.

riversgrace said...

Just heartbreaking. Blessings and prayers for his passing. Blessing and prayers for his community. Blessings for you, Carrie. My prayers are around you.

kario said...

Oh, Carrie. I am so sorry. And I am so pleased that you and Gary touched each others' lives. I am so pleased that you had so many years to become friends and confidantes and I am sending you light and love and an enormous hug right now.


Anonymous said...

Carrie, I am thinking about you and your family. What a wonderful man he must have been for you to write such a touching tribute to. He will be sorely missed by all I am sure. Love to you my dear.

Lola said...


Deb Shucka said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss and the loss of everyone whose life he touched. I'm remembering the post you wrote recently as he was getting ready to sell the store and it was clear even then the power of this man's love.

Ask Me Anything said...

Oh, how loved he was!

Nancy said...

I'll bet he touched more lives than he will ever know. Beautiful tribute Carrie.