Monday, August 27, 2007


She said the writing would push itself through my psyche just like a weed through the cracks in the sidewalk. One day you'd be walking upon square after perfect square of sidewalk, the next day you'd see a small burst of green that pushed and shoved its way through one of the hardest surfaces known to man. It's true. When I think all my writing ideas are dried up and gone and I am stuck on an arid field of thought, up pops an idea, or three, or five, seemingly out of nowhere. Tracy was right about that, and she was right about something else, too, all the self-distracting I was doing that I felt kept me from what I really needed to be doing, was part of the process. The process of writing is much more than what ends up on the page (or screen). There is a pre-writing stage that can be simultaneously brutal and fertile. There is all the processing that goes on in both the conscious and sub-conscious that gives way to what it is you are REALLY trying to say/write/express, to yourself, more than anyone.

When I woke up at my usual 2:00 AM this morning, I had three stories that urgently begged to be told. Seemingly disparate, my mind spent the rest of the time in bed weaving the three together, beautifully, fascinatingly, in ways my fully awake mind would not have been able to do with all its logic and reason.

I have learned more from the writing workshops Jennifer and I do, than anyone. We are all fellow journeyers, fellow students, fellow teachers on the path to greater understanding of self, story and life.

For any of you feeling the need to journey, please consider joining us in Sisters, Oregon October 5-7. Write me at: for more information. You do not need to "be" anything other than a woman with a story that needs/wants/begs to be processed. Who among us isn't that?


Anonymous said...

dear fellow journeywomen,

love this muse on the process. do we get to hear the three stories you woke up weaving?

Deb Shucka said...

I don't see how you could possibly have learned the most! The ripples from June are still rocking my boat - and I can hardly wait until October.

Anonymous said...

"She" began as a complete mystery...but then I saw your remarkable techno ability and found who the she be...okay!

Lovely images and inspiring insights into the writer unfolding!

Kim said...

I love this post, and love that you are experiencing such beauty from the soil you have worked so hard to till. Wonderful!

I am also dying to hear those stories!

Suzy said...

Your field is always blooming- never a dry spell.
