Sunday, April 08, 2007


While sprinkling extra garlic salt on his already heavily salted sourdough toast, kicking the breakfast bar wildly, humming and higher than a kite from having already eaten 1 lb. of Easter candy, Rojo says...

"Mom? Duh! It's not the Easter Bunny that puts out all the eggs!"

"It's not?"


"Who is it, then?"

"Duh! It's his DAD!"

"The Easter Bunny's dad?"

"Duh! His name is Deevohn"


Deb Shucka said...

So where does that leave us with the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus? Another myth blown to pieces!

Too funny! What a kid!

Ask Me Anything said...

Sophie and I just read this aloud with her playing the part of Roho. It brought me right back to that wonderful kitchen first thing in the am.

I am loving Roho at 12:25EST

Marlies said...

This little Guy has it all figured out .Cant help but love him!!

Michelle O'Neil said...

Happy Easter Rojo!

holly said...

can't pull anything over on that little smartie! Go Rojo.

Suzy said...

Boy, I bet you felt stupid. He now knows after all these years.


jennifer said...

This one made me laugh so hard!!! Love Rojo. He's got the whole thing figured out.

Kim said...

I love Rojo at 8:59am EST!!

And Deevohn is possibly the coolest name is existence.