Sunday, April 01, 2007


I'm not a big toucher. I'm fine with the hugs, handshakes, the occasional pat on the back, but I wouldn't describe myself as a touchy person. If I could erect an invisible fence, like dogs have, in my king-sized bed, I'd give my husband a zap every time he dared to let a toe move over the line. Beds are for sleeping. How's a person supposed to sleep when someone else is in their space? I totally don't get that.

My kids' shrink says humans were meant to sleep together. We sleep better snuggled up next to someone. I don't know what the hell he's talking about. This has never sounded like a good idea to me. What with the moving, the bad breath, all the other things bodies do when they relax, no thanks.

Last week I was treated to a massage. It was a gift from a friend. I've had a few massages in my life, always a pleasant experience, some better than others, but always a nice thing. This one was different, though. This massage therapist had the most amazing "touch." She never spoke. I never spoke. Everything was communicated through touch. As the massage transitioned form one stage to another, she took my limbs and so carefully and gracefully tucked them back into the blankets. There was such grace. Such tenderness. Such "touch." Perhaps had I experienced more of this kind of touch in my life, I'd have grown up liking it.

So much damage, so much good can come from our touch. I'm thinking I've not made enough of this phenomenon. I'm thinking it's time to get in touch with that.


Jess said...

Massage is great and snuggling is great. You are missing out... Glad you had a great massage!!

Anonymous said...

It drives my husband crazy that I am a non touchy person. I totally understand. I have had a couple massages and both good.

hg said...

Oh, this reminds me of how much I want a good massage.

Totally with you on the sleeping thing. Space is good. And that's one more point for the bunny - right back into the drawer!

Jenny said...

Well here's a big, fat hug and a hair rub and back pat and thigh squeeze from me. Ha ha!

riversgrace said...

I so get where you're coming from, used to feel the same way. Then, many massages later, massage school, and letting people touch me who knew how to touch with awareness, I've switched camps. But now I'm with a non-touchy person. Doesn't it figure.

When is your next massage? You deserve one a week for sure!

kario said...

Massages are so great when done by the right person. I've had some excruciating ones that I couldn't wait to be done with, but I've finally found someone who does a fantastic job and I've decided I'm entitled to one half hour massage a week. Yay me!

Go again, Carrie. Explore away!

Jerri said...

Not enough has been made of the healing power of touch. Not enough CAN be made of it.

Here's my prescription: more massage. Soon.

Deb Shucka said...

So much said and not said here, and it's making me squirm a bit. I keep saying I'm going to get one. . . Your experience sounds sacred. Very cool.

Michelle O'Neil said...

The last massage I had was from a guy with a jagged fingernail. I refer to him as Edward Scissorhands.

The one before that, I walked into the salon and the massage therapist was a woman in my neighborhood I could not stand.

I told Hot Toddy to stop with the gift certificates.

Ask Me Anything said...

Suzy--Without knowing it for sure, I'm betting this was a gift from you! How about that!

Kim said...

I'm a huge believer in the healing powers of touch, so this sounds wonderful.