Wednesday, February 21, 2007


During Lent we're called to either pray, fast or give alms. I love our priest. He encourages us to go big with these words, cracking them wide open and challenging ourselves.

Praying, if you ask me, and this is my blog so you kinda did, is nothing more than putting an intention out to the Universe. Meditation, quiet, singing, dancing, lots of things can be prayerful, if they serve to open your heart to love.

He makes it clear that fasting does not have to mean skipping dessert, it means abstaining from something that is not good for you, and not good for others. Gossip, anger, resentment, revenge, all things I might want to consider fasting from this season.

Giving alms can mean doing something nice for someone, big or small, but asking nothing in return, including gratitude or acknowledgement.

I'm going to work on all three areas. Not "try" to work on them, because as James Ray says, "Trying is just failing with honor - you either do something or you don't do it."

I hope I survive the shock to the system.


kario said...

Well, you can count on a lot of support this weekend, anyway. Maybe we can all inspire each other...

Jenny said...

My husband has asked me what I'm doing for lent all week (even though I'm not Catholic!). After reading this I just got a brilliant idea. So thanks!

Ask Me Anything said...

I will sure miss you this weekend--will be with ou in spirit.

Amanda said...

i really appreciated your definition of prayer. i like considering it "putting an intention out to the universe..." well said. thanks for that.

Nancy said...

A perfect list of intentions for Lent. Traditionally a time to look inward, but I hope to move those intentions outward. Thanks for great perspective!