Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I went to my kids' Curriculum Night Thursday. We've been coming to these things for over seven years now. We know most everyone, some well, some really well, some just a little. I was just walking down the hall with Rojo, minding my own business, and one man that I don't really know except with which family he goes, got right in my face and said, "Have you ever thought of taking him off those drugs and fattening him up?"
"Excuse me?" I said.
"You know they're drugs. You're giving him drugs."
"Wow," I said, deciding to go the pacifist route.
"Yes, they are drugs and he just needs to get his chemistry all figured out and he'll be fine."
"It's really not possible to send him to school without them," I tried feebly to explain. "We've tried, it's impossible."
"Summer? What about the summer?" he implored.
"Are you going to pray for me?" I replied, trying for a lighter note.
"YES! I am going to pray for you and I'm going to really pray for him!"
"That would be great," I said.
What the hell else could I say? "I'm sorry, and this is your business because...."
I'm really trying to believe he was coming at me with genuine concern. Still, couldn't help but feel mighty judged.


Anonymous said...

Tell him to walk a mile in your shoes!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tell him to walk two miles in your shoes 24/7

Carrie Wilson Link said...

It is 8:48, and both of you anonymous commentaters are loved. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!