Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I just know you are all going to want to travel far and wide to come listen to me as part of the Internet panel, at the Ladies Who Launch BYOB (Be Your Own Boss) Event, Wednesday, October 22nd, 9-4 here in Portland, Oregon. Men, "laddies who launch," are welcome, too!

See you there!

(For more information, feel free to e-mail me at:


Kathi said...

Oh God I wish I could be there Carrie. You are going to rock. Wish you could videotape it and give us an excerpt.

I'm proud to know ya!

hg said...

Yay for you! I'll see what I can do about being there! If I can't make it for the whole day, can I sneak in just to see you?

P.S> nice profile update. Love the title of you next book!

Maddy said...

Laddies who launch! I'll take that as a personal invitation then!

riversgrace said...

I'll video tape! And, could you please edit that part about not-knowing. Didn't we already decide that was a high Buddhist state anyway?!

Who would miss your awesome self talking about writing and blogging?

Not me!

P.S. Ladies Who Launch (despite the strange name) is also great.

riversgrace said...


Angie Ledbetter said...

Hope it's all you wish it to be!

Michelle O'Neil said...

Oh my hell of God!


You go Carrie!

You are awesome!

Anonymous said...

This is so cool! What a great panel and it was exciting to see your name on the list.

I wish I could make it. It sounds wonderful.

You'll have to tell us all about it.

contemporary themes said...

Sounds awesome! You rock!

Joanne said...

This sounds exciting ... Do you know specifically what your Topic will be? Good luck!

Lola said...

Why so far away though...sniff sniff:(
I want to hear ALL about it!