Monday, October 01, 2007

Woke up with a LONG "should list" in my head today, and before I could rightfully should all over myself, I put the list on paper. Then I turned the paper over and made a list of what I WANT to do today. Comparing the two lists there is only one overlap, "shower" - gotta go, I have very little I'm going to do today.


Kathi said...

I put too much expectation on Mondays. I require some staring-into-space time after the weekend. The sudden (delicious) alone time requires savoring and the TO DO list for a Tuesday.

Kristi said...

favorite blog entry so far!

Anonymous said...

Loving this!! Good for you, something we should all learn from this.

Deb Shucka said...

May your shower be all you want!

kario said...

Ahh, the power of the written word, huh? Anytime you need stuff deleted from your 'to-do' list but you can't manage it yourself, call me. I'll find a reason why none of those things have to be done today. ;-).

Love you!

Nancy said...

from now on...this is how I will start every day! Perfect!

Michelle O'Neil said...

Yay you!

Anonymous said...

It's your turn, sister! Take it.