Sunday, May 21, 2006

I just want to take this opportunity to publicly thank the helpful soul that e-mailed me with the suggestion to "Just make Rojo poop in the toilet." Wow! I can't believe I never thought of that! Let me sign you right up for Mensa!
Let me tell you a little bit about the last time I tried to exert my power over Rojo's. I told him "No more Pull-Ups. If you need to poop, you'll do it in the toilet like everyone else." He then withheld for three days, didn't eat, didn't drink and didn't sleep. After resorting to one single tiny laxative pill, he began projectile vomiting and uncontrollable diarrhea. He was rushed, by ambulance, to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Emanuel Children's Hospital. He was hooked up to every tube there is. He and I spent 24 hours there, forever scarred by the experience.
But, don't let that stop you! Please! Those of you with typical kids, keep those great ideas comin'!


Anonymous said...

Some just dont get it.M

Michelle O'Neil said...

I think it's a mixture of ignorance and helplessness that drive people to make comments like that. I had a pediatrician tell me...about the tantrums...."Tell her she's making a big deal out of nothing." Gee...You think maybe I hadn't tried that?

This is great though, because your post will educate many others about holding their tongues, and most importantly, second guessing thier judgements. Parents of special needs kids need support. Sometimes just a warm, understanding look can go along way. We don't need your advice. We know way more than you do about the sitaution. Thank you though, for wanting to help.

kario said...

My six year old daughter hates to poop, too. Even though she is not technically a "special needs" child, she is particularly sensitive emotionally and tends to dissociate from her body when the anxiety proves too much. Thus, we spend a lot of time washing underwear, too, and trying to find a way to encourage pooping in the potty. Even my friends cannot resist giving me advice, as if I had not read every potty training book there is, and even though my 3 year old is potty trained (so I must have done it correctly then, right?). I just have to learn who I can trust with sensitive information like that and who will likely turn it against me. Trust your mothering instincts. You know your child best!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.