Monday, October 26, 2009


I try not to complain, but let's face it, there are things/people/events that get to me, and pretending they don't is not helpful to my healing. I'm all about what's helpful to my healing these days.

Perhaps the best part of the book, Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life, is that you are asked to start off by complaining. Just a free-for-all. Complain, complain, complain. Make a list and make it long. List every little thing that has you out of sorts.

The point is to see the patterns, and to determine which areas of your home/life are most out-of-whack, and which ones are in balance. The spiritual intuitive was right, I had far too few Helpful People in my life. All my other complaints fell into one of two other categories. The rest of my home/life are chugging right along.

By complaining freely, I was able to see that I was wrong, not "everything" sucks, just a couple biggies, and I could focus on them and feel some relief right away.

I'm determined to feng shui the house without spending a dime, and the book gives great tips on how to do that. I'm moving plants, sticking things under the cushions of the couch, inside drawers and under rugs. I'm already feeling the ch'i move about in a way that's helpful to my healing.

And that's helpful. To my healing.

* Photo from


Deb Shucka said...

Now that's healed behavior!

Anonymous said...

I love how you pointed out not "everything" sucks... I so easily fall into that and you are right not "everything" sucks!

pixiemama said...

Complaining really is a very healthy way of "naming it." If you can't name it, you can't fix it. And I truly believe you can fix it.


Tanya @ TeenAutism said...

This book just sounds more and more amazing!

Alicia D said...

You are so wise! i always love coming here :)

Wanda said...

Complaining has a very healthy place in the process. (I must be really healthy!)

kario said...

YAY! Love this!

Drama Mama said...

Bitch away to your heart's desire. I'll listen.

And move that stuff around.

Sounds healthy to me!

Jerri said...

Healed behavior for sure.

marge said...

You sound much better and made me laugh too.

Elizabeth said...

I've just ordered the book and am looking forward to carrying out some of the things that S told me about.