Friday, October 23, 2009

Exactly. Watch, and you'll never say, "idiot," "stupid," "dumb," or "retarded," again.

They are here to teach.

Are we learning?


jess said...

I spent much of last night hearing about a conversation that my older daughter had with a neighbor girl some time ago. The girl, who was at our house at the time apparently started a sentence with, "you know how your sister is so dumb?" Darby stopped her before she could finish her thought.

Words hurt. They HURT. They matter.

The video is beautiful. Thank you.

Angie Ledbetter said...

Carrie, that made me miss my little students so much! What beautiful angels. Brilliant in the ways that count most. Mrs. "RedBerry/Ledbelly/LoveBetter"snuck in to eat lunch with them last week, just so I could get a fix. :)

Deb Shucka said...

There was so much love and joy in that video, I'm left with tears in my eyes and a lighter heart than before I watched it. Wow!

pixiemama said...

i love this so much. thanks for passing it along.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful video. Thanks for sharing it!

I just found your blog (from Tanya's blog) and am enjoying reading it! You are a wonderful writer!

Amber said...

Beautiful. *happy sigh*


Alicia D said...

AWESOME! thank you for sharing this! said...

What a beautiful video.
