Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Rojo is not right. He's just plain not right. We've tried a number of things to get him right, but he keeps getting wronger. We're going to see a naturopath on Friday. I'm sure she will be full of healthy and nutritious ways to get him back to the peak of health, none of which I have any confidence I'll be able to get him to try.

I'm deeply concerned.

One might say obsessed.

One would be right.

Last night I dreamed I was holding a little baby boy (3 months old?). I knew that he was a twin. I didn't know who or where his other twin was.

I think I just figured it out.


Michelle O'Neil said...


Wanda said...

Hmm...imagine that.

BTW...you and STM were in my dream last night!

jess said...

You'll find the way. It's what we do.


Anonymous said...

You know him best, if you don't feel he's right, then he's probably not.

Good luck.

Go Mama said...

Two of my favorite phrases came from your site:



Rojo's in a big transition....

marge said...

Hope the appointment went well.

kario said...

I keep getting stuck on the breath here, Carrie. I want Rojo to be able to breathe easier. I just know that the solution will present itself and if ever anyone had a posse of supporters sending love and light, it is this most special of all special boys.


Tanya @ TeenAutism said...

You have such meaningful dreams. Sending love.

Jerri said...


Ms. TK said...

I've got my army on it.

Deb Shucka said...

Enfolding your family in my heart.

Anonymous said...

OM MANI PADMAY HUM..............................

hooray said...

I'm praying! And I'm sending loads of love your way!

Love you!

Kathi said...

I am thinking about you all. Take good care.

pixiemama said...

love, love.

Amber said...

I hope it goes well. Follow your gut, we will all pray. You will find the answers and the way.

Love. :)