Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The funk is lifting.


Feels like I'm getting out from under one of those lead aprons the dentist always makes you wear when they take your X-rays.

A week ago I was in it big, and determined to stay there. A dear friend called to cheer me up, "Bounce back" she suggested. "I don't WANT to bounce back!" I barked back, as one can only do with a really good friend.

And I didn't.

And because I didn't, I didn't.

But now I do.

And so I am.


Ms. TK said...

I guess the Snap Out of It thing worked, huh?

Glad you're back, Dolly, right where you belong...

pixiemama said...

I think that funks are just like that - you're only ready when you're ready.

Glad it's lifting.
Coincidentally, the sun has been shining here a little more, too. That helps A LOT.


contemporary themes said...

I think sometimes we don't want to because we CAN'T come out of it just yet, and then something shifts, and it can be the tiniest shift, and voila, we are able to MOVE and GROOVE again!

Glad the sun is coming through the clouds!

Love you!

Wanda said...

I am sure the UPS delivery helped. How can you stay in a funk when you want to lay a big ol' wet kiss on a cute UPS driver? I mean really....

Anonymous said...

I'm glad. It's no fun being in a funk. Thinking of you sister.

Anonymous said...

maybe it was the magic of the shirt that lifted the funk. :)

Anonymous said...

It really is just like when they take off that lead apron. You can breathe freely again. Glad the funk is on its way out.

kario said...

Excellent, darling! So pleased you respected (and reveled in) the funk.

Love that "she" called to tell you to snap out of it - she loves you that much.

We all do.

Can't wait until the skies are all blue again.

Angie Ledbetter said...

Hope it lasts and lasts!

Jerri said...

Well, yeah. That whole Snap Out of It thing. Plus, the blue shirt arrived, which helps a bit.

Funk is as Funk does, Carrie. Sometimes you just gotta have one til you don't.

Enjoy the sunshine and the love of all who love you. (And we do.)

Go Mama said...

Break on through, my friend. It's blue skies on the other side...

You never fully appreciate the light 'til you've been through the dark.

Alicia D said...

the accompanying photo you selected was so illustrative. just beautiful. glad youre feeling better :)

Lola said...

my lead iron is lifting too. it's been a long haul.thanks for your supportive email full of love