Friday, March 13, 2009


After re-reading Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird, I decided to pull Operating Instructions off the shelf and re-read it, too.

Loving it.

STM gave it to me when I was pregnant with Woohoo. Wish to God I'd re-read it several times oh, say, twelve years ago when Rojo was killing me with his newborn colic, but who had time to read?


I pull the book off the shelf and notice a bookmark stuck inside.

"Snap out of it!" the bookmark instructs.

No accidents.

Start reading and again I've got the Post-Its marking all the amazing things Anne Lamott has to say - things that wouldn't have caught my attention twelve years ago, even if I HAD had the time to read.

"Anyway, I watch Sam be a baby and and crawl backwards, and it's such an alien concept because is seems so natural to think that all the action is forward. Actually, backwards is just as rich as forward if you can appreciate the circle instead of the direction."

Can't talk now - off to appreciate the circle.

And snap out of it - eventually.


Ms. TK said...

I LOVE me some Annie Lamott. I think you two are a PERFECT pair...'cause, of course, I love you, too.

Anonymous said...

wow, ain't that something to chew on .. appreciating the circle instead of the direction

i'll be back

off to chew

Angie Ledbetter said...

Ms. Linkage, isn't it something very cool that the words and words within words bring epiphanies? (Bookmark & book inside)

Michelle O'Neil said...

kario said...

Keep on doing what you're doing. You are headed in absolutely the right direction, even if you don't know exactly what it is.

Respect da funk!

Love you.

Go Mama said...

love the circle.

Deb Shucka said...

After you've done with your Anne L. fix, I recommend David Sedaris as an excellent lifter of the funk. Or you could be us reading you, which is great medicine in itself.

contemporary themes said...

I do love Annie! I need to revisit her work about now too! Great idea!

Kathi said...

God, I LOVE her. I love her interviews on YOU TUBE, too. I always get so much insight...

Wanda said...

Movement. That's what's important. The poster I always loved was...

"You can't steer a parked car."