Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Woohoo is becoming quite the writer. She has an amazing English teacher, and is being lit from within. What more is there? Here's her most recent poem, posted upon request:

Here's to guardian angels, both physical and non-physical!

* Photo from


Michelle O'Neil said...

Woo-hoo IS an angel.

Her writing is lovely.

Ask Me Anything said...

Beautiful poem, woo-hoo.

Angie Ledbetter said...

What a piece of good writing. And she's left it open for a sequel, smart girlie!

Amen to all the guardian angels surrounding us. ;)

Joanne said...

To be able to light from within, now that's teaching. I see the light in her poem.

Kathi said...

Gosh, all of these earth angels. I love it.

Deb Shucka said...

Boy is she ever her mother's daughter! Beautiful!

kario said...

Give that girl a big hug and a pat on the back.

And then do the same for her teacher.

contemporary themes said...

Way to Go, Woo-hoo!

I love it!

I'm glad you have a great English teacher who is inspiring you to write!

Rev. Christine said...

Amazing! Thanks for sharing it.

Jerri said...

Wooooohoooo for Woo-hoo. Keep writing, girl.

Robin said...

That gave me goosebumps. I loved it.

Is she a chip of the block?

Nancy said...

A apple close to the tree! Beautiful WooHoo!