Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I "re-loaded" my Peet's card last week, and by doing so, earned "1 free beverage of my choice."

Hmmmm.... I thought, should really take advantage of that, get like a $4.00 drink, make that whole free thing work for me.

If you knew how much time I spent planning my free drink, you'd be embarrassed for me.

Finally, the big day arrived. I walked into Peet's, took hold of my card, and ordered....

1 small house coffee with room for cream.

That's what I wanted.

I got just what I wanted, for free.


Now I'm chuckling to myself about how metaphorical that is for life. We think we want BIG, when really, small is nice. We think we want FANCY, when really, simple is lovely. We think we want the moon, when really, well, you get it.

If we knew how little we actually WANTED, we wouldn't be so afraid to ask for it!

I believe we are supposed to have all we want and need, the problem is we're so conditioned that having any wants at all is just plain wrong. The only thing that's just plain wrong, is that way of thinking. I think.

Go ahead, ask away! What do you WANT? Be careful not to ask in negatives, or you'll keep getting what you don't want. For example, instead of saying, "I want out of debt" (which in turn brings more debt, because debt is the negative upon which you dwell) say, "I want financial abundance." It's OK to want abundance, really! The voices in your head that say otherwise, are old tapes that are not useful! Erase those tapes! Tape over them! Play new tapes in your head that say, "I want_____________" then picture yourself (visualize) yourself having that. Watch how things recalibrate to bring that to you. Go ahead. Give it a shot.

What do you want?


Michelle O'Neil said...

I want to be surrounded by beautiful, funny, talented writers.

Oh wait....I already have that!

Anonymous said...

I want what Michelle wants.
Oh wait.....I already have that too!!!!!!

Ask Me Anything said...

I want a regular Peets with room for cream.

Oh wait...I don't live in Portland any more.

jennifer said...

Who is the smartest girl (ahem...woman) in Peet's??

Anonymous said...

I thought you were a Coffee People can I keep up with these changes in your routine???

Okay, Peets now. Check!

Anonymous said...


You are not Carrie Link, you just wanna be...oh yeah...that is your name....I need my meds.

Anonymous said...


You are not Carrie Link, you just wanna be...oh yeah...that is your name....I need my meds.

Anonymous said...

I want to be your friend! Mary Poppins, I love it too! "Ohhh Chil-dren" lol. A cup of Peets, a small one would be cool too. I havent had Peets in 22 years.

Jenny said...

Funny post. I used to do the same thing with my frozen yogurt card. When it came time to use my freebie I'd order a child's size fat free chocolate. And it was so very tasty.

Anonymous said...


holly said...

I want what michelle and suzy want ... wow. this really works.

Susan McDuffie, LMFT said...

Small and simple is always so nice. So then why am I ALWAYS digging a little deeper for more.

Simple is good!

Jerri said...

I want you to keep writing great stuff like this...and whatever else your heart desires.

riversgrace said...

I want a medium half-decaf, lowfat, foamy latte, with a quarter steamed eggnog (just a quarter or less, please!) with a sprinkle of dark cocoa on top (just so).

Can a girl be too specific in asking for what she wants? Because...then it runs the risk of never being 'quite' right. Not enough foam. Too sweet. Tepid, darn. Maybe I should have asked for a small coffee with room?

Ask Me Anything said...

you funny-prema

Go Mama said...

Sometimes all I want is SLEEP.

The other morning, we realized that our daughter had just gotten a total of 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep. My husband and I just looked at each other dumbfounded, trying to remember how many YEARS it had been since we had gotten that much.

As for Peets, I'd go for the small mocha, no whip, and I'll do the cocoa dusting myself, thanks.

Great post Carrie!

Anonymous said...

All i want is peace in my Family.To much to ask?? I think not,well it is out there.M