Friday, November 10, 2006


We're back, unloading the car, listening to messages, opening mail, trying to keep that lovin' feeling alive through the re-entry process...

Why is it so much easier to be in love when you're not home? Everywhere I turn there is something needing my attention. Some merely whisper, some are much more vocal, i.e., "A" and "B", as my husband calls our children.

Within two minutes of our arrival we are both literally gasping for air, our children having sucked it all out of the room with their demands to look and listen, simultaneously and in stereo.

Enjoying our last supper together before coming home, I asked my husband, "Which one of us will crack first, and when?"

"You'll crack first. You'll get through tonight OK, but by 5:00 PM on Saturday, you'll be toast."

He's probably right, but I still hate him for thinking he's able to handle more than me.

We LOVE our children. We WANTED these children. There isn't anything in the whole entire world we wouldn't do for these two precious human beings, but geez Louise, they are just so damn unrelenting with their needs! UN-F'ING-RELENTING. Without relent! Relent-less! I just need a little more relenting, and a whole lot less of the "un"!


jennifer said...

"Your wish is my command..." ~The Secret

"If you could change your situation, right now, what would you do to change it?" ~Puanani Know it All.

"You're not smoking enough reffer!" ~ Stan

"You're not watching enough T.V." ~ Terri

"R E L A X!" ~ Tsultirm Allione (she'd also say, 'just love them.)

"Imagine you are a golden yellow turtle, on a beach," ~ R. Lore

"Your life work is what you have been given to reach enlightenment" ~ Pema Chodron

"Hire more help, the price of sanity is worth the price!" ~ Me

Go Mama said...

Um, Welcome home!
More coffee?
Big Hugs...

riversgrace said...

It really says so much about your marriage! Really. And humor...always in your medicine bag. That's grace right there.

riversgrace said...

Still wondering if you ever got the v hammer?

Jerri said...

Or the whip?

Jenny said...

Carrie you are so funny. I love it when your share your raw thoughts. It's so genuine.

holly said...

yes, you left os hanging on the hammer and the whip ....

sending lots of UN to you.

And patches, boxes and boxes of patches ...

holly said...

No wait, thats backwards - I mean sending lots of relenting, hold the UN.

patches all around

Michelle O'Neil said...


Anonymous said...

Just remember, even rocket ships burn up on re-entry. Monday morning when they're off at school and Stan is at work, you can go get your own Velvet Hammer and feel the splashdown. Hang in there!