Tuesday, January 27, 2009


My friend tells a great story about her husband, and how he had this great idea for a movie, was going to write the script, produce the movie, film the movie, distribute the movie, all things movie, but instead he was down in the basement, night after night, doing only God knows what.

Finally she went down there to see for herself, and he was sewing.


To keep the camera in place for filming the movie that he hadn't yet written.

"That is so you! If there is a list from A-Z, you always start with Z! Start with A! WRITE THE SCRIPT!" she said to him.

I'm a sandbag girl myself. I get this. Give me a list a mile long, and I'll almost always start in order of least importance. My theory being those items are easier/shorter/cluttering my brain, and if I move them out of the way, then I'll really be able to tackle "A."

My theory doesn't hold water.

But sandbags do.


pixiemama said...

I love that story. Wow, I love that story...

kario said...

Damn - you and I? Sometimes? Too scary. Call me "Sandbagger Two."

I'm still not clear on how that's wrong, though....

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Displacement activity - we all do it!

Robin said...

My husband does this with every home improvement project. Although instead of sewing sandbags, the first step is, go to hardware store and buy new expensive tool.

Deb Shucka said...

Not only do sandbags contain a lot of water, they're full of fear as well. But they sure come in handy when it floods!

Ms. TK said...

Maybe My Rojo could get a job on his production crew?

Anonymous said...

Avoid, avoid, avoid.

I am the queen of avoid.

Wanda said...

good one.

Angie Ledbetter said...

That is brilliant! (I sandbag too...but try to remember, soggy stoppers hold the good in, as well as keep the bad at bay.) :)

Anonymous said...

Got excited when I saw the photograph, thought this was going to be a blog about salt. I have a feeling some of the ditto heads think you are the salt of the earth.

Jerri said...

This is one of my favorite stories of all time. Maybe because I've been sewing sandbags for two days when what I need to do is write an article I'm dreading.

Nancy said...

Huh...just about to clean out the refrigerator so that I can sit down to organize for taxes with that great "clean refrigerator" feeling...oh, and throw in some laundry and maybe wash the kitchen floor...scrub the shower... taxes come out better that way, right? Major sandbagger here.