Friday, April 30, 2010


Came across a survey with three seemingly repetitive questions. On a scale from 1-7, 1 being extremely dissatisfied, 7 being extremely satisfied:

1) How satisfied are you with your marriage/relationship?

2) How satisfied are you with your relationship with your spouse/partner?

3) How satisfied are you with your partner as a spouse/significant other?

The more I think/obsess/ponder those three questions, the more I like them. What do you think?

Photo from:


Deb Shucka said...

Each one seems to go a little deeper than the one before. I would add, "How satisfied are you with yourself as a partner?"

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Good one, Deb, let's add it! (And I so give myself a 7.)

jess said...

I had exactly the same thought as Deb. Definitely need to turn if on ourselves.

These questions scare me.

Elizabeth said...

I don't even want to get started.

kario said...

I love how they twist your perspective just a little with each one.

And to expand on Deb's thought, I think maybe after asking each of the three about your partner, you ask each of them about yourself in turn, going deeper with each one.

Wanda said...


Carrie Wilson Link said...


There's a book right there! You're truly blessed, but I know you know that!

Go Mama said...

OK...but what happens when the numbers aren't as high as yours or Wanda's?

Tanya @ TeenAutism said...

Hmm. I'll get back to you in a few years!

Tabitha Bird said...

Hmmm... I like question three best. The others could be answered without much depth, but the 3rd requires some possibly hard honesty. And if you are thinking of how satisfied you are with your other half as a spouse then it begs the question, how happy are you with yourself as a spouse? I like that question even better. :)

Unknown said...

is it okay to say 7?
I'm blessed . I am thankful.

and I agree about turning it around.

Ask Me Anything said...

Been pondering for days really helps to get a different perspective than lumping them all together.

It also helps to realize that even though you may be unsatisfied with one aspect, another one might be terrific.

Amber said...

I'll tell you after a few more months of therapy and a few more pounds of Newman's Own cookies.


Anonymous said...

Deb's right.

These questions remind me of premarital counseling.

I'm comfortable with my own answers. But I'd be nervous to open my husband's envelope. I can only hope he'd score us (*me) as high as I'd score him.