Sunday, April 02, 2006

Tomorrow is Monday, thank God. Monday is my favorite day of the week, and the Mondays following any sort of school "vacation" are my favorite Mondays of all.
"Have a great Spring Break!" the other parents shouted to me the last day my sanity was in tact, Friday, March 24th.
"You too!" I shouted back. And I meant that. I wanted them to have just as much fun as I would be having, home, all week, with just family around. I am a mean-spririted person, apparently. Only a mean person would wish torture on another.
I got an e-mail from a dear friend during the break. She and her family were enjoying day after day of skiing, dining out and board games with only each other for company. She couldn't bear to see it end.
Over here we "enjoyed" day after day of shared obsessions, anxieties and overall nerosis. We pondered career moves, friendship drama and Outdoor School angst, on top of our regular faire of mental disorders for which we are being treated.
"We live in a flippin' funny farm," I screamed before being fully caffeinated one morning "and there's not one damn thing that's funny about it!" Just calling a spade a spade does a bit to alleviate tension, I've found.
I am over the hump now, though, and oh so thankful for Daylight Savings Time. One less hour to kill. In a little over eighteen hours my three beloveds will head out the door, not to return for at least seven hours. I will smile, close the door behind them, wave one last time, and begin my vacation.


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