Sunday, April 25, 2010


Put it out to the universe that I was toying with giving up writing entirely. Some cyber stalking, gossip, misinformation and a general sense of why bother? had stolen my mojo. As is the universe's perverse way, I learned three pieces I'd written would all be published within a month of each other. Not sure that means I'm supposed to keep writing, but pretty sure it means I'm supposed to go deeper with the question.

So, if you don't have your fill of me yet, you have three opportunities to gorge! Ironically, the very first place to publish me is in the Get and Agent magazine put out by Writer's Digest. It is available now on news stands (I'm thinking places like Barnes and Noble would have it).

A poem I wrote was published in Rose & Thorn Journal, a great online journal you should all be subscribing to!

And as I've already mentioned, I have a piece in the new anthology, Fearless Nest. The book looks at motherhood as a path. I'll give that a big amen. I've been re-listening to the Eckhart Tolle and Oprah podcasts they did a couple years ago on A New Earth. Life changing, I'm telling you, and even better the second time through. Funny what stands out to me this go round, versus what I glomed onto last time. This time I heard Eckhart say, "If you're doing motherhood consciously, that is your practice. You need no other spiritual practice."

Okay, thanks for indulging my ego!

(To read more about Fearless Nest, click the link. Thanks!)


Deb Shucka said...

No accidents. All three pieces are brilliant. You are a writer. So glad I'm not the only one who believes that, and that you have this concrete proof. Love.

Elizabeth said...

Oh, how wonderful! You're on a roll, Carrie and I see keep going. I can't wait to read your pieces and hope beyond hope that you won't ever stop writing and getting your work out there. Take a break, maybe, but don't stop!

Tanya @ TeenAutism said...

That is one gorgeous poem, and I can't WAIT to read your contribution to Fearless Nest! So happy for you!

Wanda said...

Mazel tov! said...

Amen Eckhart!

Congrats Carrie. It is wonderful your voice will be heard by a wider audience. Much deserved.

Lots of love and sisterly pride here for you.


Lola said...

super super!
Things happen for a reason
Timing is everything....

jess said...

Toot away, lady. Thrilled for you!

Suzy said...

Told ya so....a lonnnngggg time ago.

Love you


Suzy said...

Told ya so....a lonnnngggg time ago.

Gorgeous, gorgeous poem, like everything else you do.

Love you


Jenny said...

Love the poem. I'll look for the mag next time I'm at a newsstand (usually at least once a day!). Congrats, Carrie.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations woman.

Lori said...

Congrats on the publishing and the ego boost. We all need that kind of message from the universe from time to time. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Carrie! (And keep writing, please!)

Jerri said...

Who is cyber-stalking you? Let me at 'em. I'll tie a know in their ethernet!

Maddy said...

And there was me about to ask how you're doing these days......pretty darned brilliantly I see.

Amber said...

I'm so proud of you. Don't you DARE give up writing! WTF are you talking about Home Chicken?! No no no.

I LOVE what Tolle said...It really hits me between the eyes.


Unknown said...

Kudos to you, Carrie! Fancy meeting you here, BTW... I came via wooliesocks page, who left me a message on my new blog at Originally met you in New Hampshire at the workshop... Glad to see you are still writing!

kario said...


And you inspire me.

And if you ever decide to give up writing again, please call and tell me so I can kick your butt.

Now, go celebrate.