Monday, June 28, 2010


I had a check to deposit and Rojo likes to use the ATM, so off we went.

He punches in my PIN.

He punches in  a series of Yeses, Nos, and finally we come to the amount to deposit. I am holding the check, he hasn't laid eyes on it.

"Put in $72.36," I say.

He stalls.

"7-2-3-6," I repeat.

He doesn't move.

"What's wrong?" I finally ask.

"I'm going to put in $72.35," he says.

I start to argue, not wanting to enter the wrong number and mess everything up, but get the urge, instead, to re-examine the check.

Don't you know it, the check was for $72.35.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Getting caught up after being unplugged for awhile. This made me laugh!

Glad you went to the reunion and had a good time. It's interesting how when one person opens the gate, others will follow suit with the realities of life, not just the best little parts. I have a few SIOK in my life as well. I think I've been that person to some as well.

Jerri said...

Go big with the urge to trust Rojo.

Deb Shucka said...

Of course. This is perfection in so many ways. I love that the first thing you did was to look at the check again. Wise woman.

One Mom said...

I love it! said...

: )

Pie Maker said...

HAha! I've had the same conversation with Piper over other things but she likes to add the "clearly it's ___" just so I know who is right. =)

Lola said...

Wowzee!!!! And, of course!

Anonymous said...

How does he doe that?

Elizabeth said...

It IS so strange and frustrating how we repeat ourselves -- over and over and over. I'm glad that Rojo is keeping you off that track --

Wanda said...

No way...

Heh heh heh.

Anonymous said...


Tabitha Bird said...

I ask myself the same question. Why do I doubt? My son is only 7 and his memory is longer than most old men!

jess said...

Holy crap.

kario said...

Don't you know it....


Amber said...

Shut up right now.



Drama Mama said...

LOL. Miss M does this kind of thing to me all the time.

Darned in-tune kids.

Alicia D said...

HA!!!that is Great:)