Friday, February 05, 2010


No picture today, but don't let that fool you, I took approximately a million. Couldn't find any without Rojo looking directly at the camera with the biggest look of pure joy you've ever seen on another human. Would love to share them with you here, but alas, not part of the blogging rules I agreed to way back when. So, just picture this: a boy, a dog, two dimples, tail wagging. All. Day. Long.

Just got a postcard in the mail from Guide Dogs saying they received my online application, but due to the volume of applications they receive, and the limited number of dogs available for adoption, it could take up to two years.

Or two weeks, as the case may be.

Tell me Mary doesn't have her hands all over this. Her dog loving, all knowing, heart changing hands.

Tell me.


One Mom said...

When it's meant to be, it seems as if things just fall into place. Looks like Mary definitely had your back on this one.

I'm so happy for you and your family...Flicka included. Enjoy every moment!

Go Mama said...

Don't need a picture to see this: pure love.

Jerri said...

Flicka arrived before the postcard?

Gotta love that Mary.

Deb Shucka said...

If ever a thing was meant to be . . . . The miracle of this is just beginning. And all because you listened, and said yes.

Suzy said...

Mary had it planned from the beginning...

Love you

Suzy said...

You forgot about Rojo's eyes in those pictures. The eyes overwhelmingly huge and filled with joy. They about killed me.


Anonymous said...


I will carry that image with me today. I'm smiling for you!

Wanda said...

Tail wagging here, too.

Tanya @ TeenAutism said...

Happy tears! Love!

Amber said...

Ooooooh that Mary.


alex said...

big bucket of beautiful!

kario said...

Picture my wide smiling face beaming right back at you Links. All of you!