Was hashing through some of my darkest stuff with a trusted friend, as she'd recently gone through what I was struggling with. She said "I can dance around the fire now." The issue hasn't gone away, nothing was "resolved" - at least not formally, but her reaction/response to it had changed. The person that had at one time, as she put it, "turned her knobs," had ceased to have the power to do so. NOT BECAUSE THAT PERSON STOPPED TRYING, EITHER.
I asked her what the trick was, she said, "You're the screen, they're the projector. What you DO is you walk away from being the screen. You walk into your own light, you leave their shadow behind."
Have you ever heard anything more brilliant? I mean, SERIOUSLY?
* Photo from www.thisfabtrek.com
I swear, you have the deepest friends. OMG. Beyond brilliant.
I want to live where you live.
Truly brilliant!
"You walk into your own light, you leave their shadow behind." - I am so in awe of her.
I'm into any technique I can try at the moment, not for the children but for other people's unwelcome input.
I'll give it a try.
damn, you have good friends, girl
We're all the screen and we're all the projector. All the time. Ain't life fun? Projection is a mirror. Damn it.
Just letting go. So much power in that. I'm always working on it. ;)
You know what else I see in her wise words? The "projector" is still going to project-- on the wall, on someone else, whatever. So our JOB in life is not to "be there" for them and their shit...We think for too long that that is our job, what we are, why we are... But they just find someone else.
ox :)
You need to go on Oprah and bring these friends. I want to skype them and give you all free cars and home makeovers.
Now THAT's an A-ha moment.
The first time we had dinner together, years ago now, this was EXACTLY what I was trying to say.
I probably talked 30 minutes trying to say it, though. And didn't make much sense, I fear.
"Walk into your own light."
Totally Brilliant.
Okay, I need to go think about this...
Yep. That is definitely brilliant. I want to come hang out with you all!
Hmmm. I'm trying to apply this to my current relationship challenge. . . .
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